It's important to collect data using a variety of different methods in order to get the best understanding of your faculty members, students and their needs. Below you will find a list of technology tools and websites that 21st century teachers and administrators are using in their classrooms and schools.
- Using the Google Drive for Formative Assessment
- Challenge One-Trophic Cascades
- Challenge Two-How Wolves Change Rivers
- ABC Form Template
- Kahoot (Teacher Link) - (Student Link)
- Plickers
- Padlet
- Class Tool Practice Questions
- ZipGrade
- Quick Rubric
- Quizizz
- Your Ideas Padlet
- How to use Padlet
- Game
- ShowMe - This is just one example of an interactive whiteboard app. There are many from which to choose.
- Screen Chomp
- Explain Everything
- Educreations
- Audio Recording Apps
- Camera
- Notes
- Audio REC