The SAMR Model of Technology Integration
Teaching to the Top with Technology
Class Website
Many educators today are familiar with Webb’s Depth-of-Knowledge Levels and are exploring new strategies to ensure student learning at a greater DOK level. Participants will review best practices and develop technology skills and strategies to support student learning at the highest level. We will be creating technology infused lessons and activities, exploring best practices for the integration of web-based tools, developing essential questions for technology infused activities and creating a web-based home or website for sharing our resources with other teachers, parents, students and community stake holders.

As our classrooms today becomes more tech-centric and our students become more immersed in the world of technology it is important to examine how technology impacts teaching and learning. It is no longer enough to just provide the technology in our schools and institutions. It is imperative to examine the level of student engagement and how technology affects pedagogy and the delivery of content.
Essential Question: "How can educators best support student learning with the immersion of technology into a standards based curriculum?”
Activity One: Examining the SAMR Model of Technology Integration
The SAMR model was created by Ruben R. Puentedura. The purpose of his model is to help educators examine the levels at which they are using technology. Really using technology effectively means creating the kind of tasks that redesign traditional ways of learning and also teaching. We need to create opportunities that students did not have without the use of technology. Research supports a connection between student academic growth and student-centered activities such as collaborative information gathering, solving real-world problems, and using technology to create new representations of knowledge. Finally, the successful use of technology in the classroom must also emphasize a rethinking of pedagogy. Part of our efforts as administrators and teachers means shifting our focus from promoting technology tools and instead supporting teachers in designing technology-enabled learning experiences.
The SAMR model was created by Ruben R. Puentedura. The purpose of his model is to help educators examine the levels at which they are using technology. Really using technology effectively means creating the kind of tasks that redesign traditional ways of learning and also teaching. We need to create opportunities that students did not have without the use of technology. Research supports a connection between student academic growth and student-centered activities such as collaborative information gathering, solving real-world problems, and using technology to create new representations of knowledge. Finally, the successful use of technology in the classroom must also emphasize a rethinking of pedagogy. Part of our efforts as administrators and teachers means shifting our focus from promoting technology tools and instead supporting teachers in designing technology-enabled learning experiences.

In 6 words or less describe the SAMR Model-turn and talk to your neighbor.
Your task...
Read this article: SAMR Model
Explore this Thinklink
Post to this Padlet
SAMR Mini Sort
- In your small group, decide whether the lesson activities are to the left or the right of the line, and which category of SAMR they most likely represent.
- Discuss in your groups why you have placed the activities where you choose.
- Complete the Sample One Google Form
Activity Two: Relationships of the SAMR Model, Webb's Depth of Knowledge and Bloom's Taxonomy
Activity Three: Getting Started with Some Lessons
So how do we get started? What can we do to teach to the top using technology?
One of the first things we can do is decide what we actually want our students to do. Begin with the end in mind. What do you actually want the students to produce? What are your course of study standards and objectives? Once you determine your standards and objectives and you have an idea of what you want your students to do it then it is time to begin planning your activities. One of the first things you want to do would be to develop your curriculum framing questions. Lets take a look at some projects on the Learning in Hand website. As you look keep in mind the SAMR Model. Pick a project to explore with a partner and determine where you think this project would be on the SAMR Model. Use our class website to post comments about the project you explored. Which project did you explore? Tell us briefly about the project and the DOK level of the project.
So how do we get started? What can we do to teach to the top using technology?
One of the first things we can do is decide what we actually want our students to do. Begin with the end in mind. What do you actually want the students to produce? What are your course of study standards and objectives? Once you determine your standards and objectives and you have an idea of what you want your students to do it then it is time to begin planning your activities. One of the first things you want to do would be to develop your curriculum framing questions. Lets take a look at some projects on the Learning in Hand website. As you look keep in mind the SAMR Model. Pick a project to explore with a partner and determine where you think this project would be on the SAMR Model. Use our class website to post comments about the project you explored. Which project did you explore? Tell us briefly about the project and the DOK level of the project.
Activity Four: Organization and Preparation
- Have a Central Location for all Resources (a website, learning management system or bookmarking site)

Activity Five: Technology Tools for Teaching
Voice and Choice: Why offer students voice and choice?
- Photovisi
- Canva
- Animoto
- Padlet
- Make Beliefs Comix!
- Fodey Newspaper Generator
- Letterpop
- RedKid
- Build Your Wild Self
- Picture Trail
- Tuxpi
- BigHugeLabs
- Prezi
- Blabberize
- More Cool Tools
- Vocaroo
- VozMe
- Glogster
- Wikispaces
- KidBlog
- LuLu
- TikaTok
- Little Bird Tales
- Wordle
- Tagxedo
- Class Tools
- Bubble Us
- Google Drive, Docs, Slides, Sheets and Forms
Activity Six: Developing an Idea for an activity the encourages learners to work "above the line."
- ALEX Website: Determine your course of study standards
- Develop your curriculum framing questions
- Brainstorm some ideas for projects using technology tools. As you work ask yourself the following questions?
- Does this project or activity cover key knowledge, understanding and success skills?
- Is there a challenging problem or question?
- Is the project or activity authentic?
- Do students have voice and choice?
- Are students encouraged to reflect on learning?
- Is student critique and revision built into the activity?
- Is there a public product that can be shared beyond the classroom?
- Exploration: Challenge One-Trophic Cascades
- Challenge Two-How Wolves Change Rivers
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