SMART Survey
Lions and Tigers and Boards, Oh My!
After years of interactive whiteboards being touted as the next best thing for engaging students, the unfortunate reality is that while they have become common in many schools, they are often used as glorified projector screens. Interaction may take place with the board, but more often than not it’s being directed by the teacher and students merely consume the interaction in a passive way.
Ben Rimes
Ben Rimes
So how can we do a better job of teaching with our interactive whiteboards? What does an exemplary interactive whiteboard lesson look like? Have you ever looked at an interactive whiteboard lesson and asked yourself "how did they do that"?
Webb's Depth of Knowledge Chart
Webb's Depth of Knowledge Chart
Creating Lessons That Teach Above the Line
- The questions you ask and the techniques that you use will determine whether you teach above the line.
- Notebook Software
- SMART Notebook Tutorials
- Tutorial for SMART Notebook 15.2
- Adobe Flash Issues in SMART Notebook 16.2
- New Options in SMART Notebook
- Side Tabs (page view and Gallery)
- Manipulating Objects in SMART Notebooks
- Notebook Toolbar
- Side Tabs (attachments tab, properties tab, add-ons)
- Magic Boxes and Pull Tabs
- Lesson Activity Toolkit
- Building Continuity with Backgrounds
- Adding Engagement with…
- Audio files
- Recording
- Animations
- Screenshots and Hyperlinks
- Building a one stop shop with the attachments tab
- Smart Notebook Lesson Plan Design
If you build it the right way they will learn! - Background on each page, appropriate font
- Five E’s: Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend, Evaluate
- Title page with name of lesson and authors name
- Page with standards, objectives and 21st century skills
- Intro activity (hook)
- Design elements
- fill-in-the-blank
- click and reveal, click and drag or erase and reveal page
- magic page
- Videos and Sounds, Saving YouTube Videos
- Hyperlinks
- Grouping and Layering
- One or more page with table
- Lesson activity toolkit page
- Pages with links to objects or websites
- Addressing higher order thinking skills
- Open ended questions
- Engages multiple learning styles
- Assessment